THIS – Shaping InteractionsStrategy Consulting & Digital Agency in Düsseldorf

Why we don't just work in the home office

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For a number of reasons, we have opted for a hybrid working model, where the entire team is present in the office for three days a week.

When we founded THIS, we already set ourselves up in such a way that we and the team can work flexibly from any place and at any time. Nevertheless, we have decided that everyone should be present in the office from Tuesday to Thursday.

5 reasons for working on-site

The crucial reason why the entire team is present in the office for three days a week is the informal exchange that we actively cultivate and promote. It is essential to us that the team collaborates on tasks and brainstorms ideas together. New ideas can arise during shared lunches or chats by the coffee machine.

Moreover, being on-site allows employees to communicate and advance projects together more quickly and easily.

Sure, you can arrange a video call as well. However, creativity does not simply happen at the push of a button. The shared exchange fuels inspiration and the development of creative solutions.

The varying seniority within the team also plays a role. A less experienced employee can simply join a more experienced colleague, actively getting involved in their approach or working method. The ongoing development of our employees is of particular importance to us.

Another factor is the company culture. If employees exclusively work from home and have no interaction with others in the company, their attachment to the company and team spirit will be lower, leading to higher willingness to switch jobs.

Home Office isn’t for everyone

We have three employees who explicitly chose to work with us because we do not rely solely on home office. In their previous jobs they realized that they felt isolated at home and missed the exchange with colleagues.

And that is why we spend at least 3 days in the office.