3 Founders. 3 Opinions.
It's often said that too many cooks spoil the broth. But what happens when there are three founders looking at challenges from different perspectives? Well, you get an explosive mix of strategy, technology, and design that works amazingly well – most of the time, at least.

Christoph takes care of the strategies, Marco brings them to life in design, and Eugen ensures that everything is grounded in technical feasibility.
The resulting discourse can sometimes be more intense than in companies where decisions are made unilaterally.
However, the diversity of different perspectives opens the doors to innovative solutions that we probably wouldn't have achieved on our own.
For Christmas, each member of our team received a small combat drone as a gift. A humorous symbol of how we sometimes "cross swords". These little skirmishes might lead to an increased need for coffee, but at the end of the day, they always result in an outcome that moves us all forward.
We agree that this dynamic is exactly what our company needs. It's not the most conventional approach, but one that reliably leads us to honest feedback and unique solutions.
At the end of the day, Christoph, Eugen, and Marco wouldn't want to do things any differently. Our diverse backgrounds force us to constantly question, optimize, and sometimes just laugh at how differently we see the world.
Our tips for successful discourse:
How do you create a constructive discussion culture?
All opinions and ideas should be respected and taken seriously. Create an environment where everyone feels safe to share their perspective. Define together how you want to discuss to avoid misunderstandings.
What to do when opinions diverge too much?
Remember that you all have the same overarching goal. Try to bring the discussion back to this common denominator. Also, be willing to compromise and find creative solutions that consider aspects of all perspectives.
How to stay productive despite differing opinions?
Use clear structures and time limits for discussions to stay efficient. You should always document outcomes and next steps in writing so that everyone is on the same page and no important points are lost.