THIS - Shaping Interactions

Service Experiences

We Design Digital Services That Turn Customers Into Loyal Brand Fans and Support Your Sales.

A good User Experience Design can increase conversion rates by up to 400%.

Forrester Research

With the right services, you win customers. Without them, you lose them to the competition. 

Our Promise

We Think Holistically &
Design with Attention to Detail.

A good customer experience is the result of a well-founded, user-centred overall strategy that is implemented to a high standard. That's why we offer our customers everything from a single source and start where they need us.

Purple symbol consisting of two interlocking circles, with the outer circle forming a crescent moon shape.

Customer Experience Design

We develop CX strategies, customer journeys and innovative service ideas.

Purple symbol consisting of two curved lines that meet in the centre and form a wave-like shape.

User Experience Design

We design and test your service idea with user journeys, wireframes and user surveys.

Purple symbol in the shape of an eight-pointed flower with evenly distributed petals.

User Interface Design

We design user interfaces that do justice to the user context and taste, and perfectly showcase your brand.

Customer Examples

1. FC Köln

Customer experience design and service ideas to digitise and enhance the fan experience.

Digital Product Design Our Services
Our Services

How Can We Help You?

We support you in all phases of service development or supplement your team as required: with an external perspective, experience from other sectors and additional expertise.
Sounds interesting? Let's talk about your needs!

Book a consultation
Our Offers

You already know what you are looking for, are in a hurry or have a clearly defined budget? Then the following service packages might interest you:

Graphic of a UX design tool with an eye, a mouse click and various icons.

UX Assessment

Need an expert assessment? We take a look at your current UX. You will then receive assessment documentation with an evaluation and specific suggestions for improvement.

Graphic of a UX design tool with an arrow, a hand pointing to an element and a yellow star symbol.

Rapid Prototyping

Would you like to bring your idea to life?
In two short sprints, we support you from feature development through user experience design and user interface design to requirements specification.

Graphic of a UX design tool with colour selection, text options and interactive elements such as buttons and sliders.

Component System

Do you want a consistent, efficiently scalable product and service experience? We translate your corporate design into a sustainably expandable, responsive modular system for all your digital touchpoints.

Sounds exciting? - Then feel free to contact me.

Christoph Hubertus
Managing Partner +49 160 745 22 37 Book an appointment